Friday, September 6, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" Insight Timer LIVE - September 6, 2024 - Musician Edition! (Replay)


Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session,  click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on September 6, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.

Judi Cranston- Soul Rocker -
Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ask Your Guides! Presents The Power of Scripting - Insight Timer LIVE - August 29, 2024 (Replay)

This was an amazing session with Ipek Williamson, Melanie Underwood, A Smile from Heaven, Jacqui Mancuso and Greg Phillips!! You can find their tracks in the playlist below along with my favorite scripting music track "Dance of Inner Peace" by Blossom Violet! 

Click below to follow these amazing teachers! And stay tuned for a part 2!!

Ipek Williamson, intuitive teacher, coach and speaker who aims to create a spark in the eyes of everyone she connects with! Discover the magic of manifestation with her track, "My Perfect Life Manifestation".

Melanie Underwood, the master of culinary alchemy, invites you on a transformative sonic journey with her track "The Alchemy of Earth." Let your desires manifest! 

A Smile From Heaven, our favorite Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapist who is on a journey to help others find themselves and heal through creativity. Listen to her beautiful track "The Key." 

Jacqui Mancusoa Spiritual Problem Solver, Self-Studied Astrologer, and Spiritual Guide whose role on this earth is to help lead others to their highest selves. Check out her "Affirmations for Empowerment" track!

Greg Phillips who offers the clearest, most insightful explanation of scripting I've ever heard. Check out his track, "The Power and Premise of Scripting as A Tool for Manifesting."

Saturday, August 24, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" Insight Timer LIVE - August 23, 2024 (Replay)

Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session,  click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on August 23, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


This playlist is comprised of tracks created with James Anthony Walker's ambient music track, "Floating", which has over 17 million plays on Insight Timer!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" Insight Timer LIVE - August 17, 2024 (Replay)

Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session,  click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on August 17, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.

Monday, August 12, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" Insight Timer LIVE - August 11, 2024 (Replay)

Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session,  click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on August 11, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.
Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Saturday, August 10, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" Insight Timer LIVE - August 9, 2024 - OG Edition! (Replay)

Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session,  click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on August 9, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.

Barbara Faison -
Dakota Earth Cloud Walker -
James Anthony Walker -
Josephine Sorciere -
Judy Unger -
Tom Evans -
Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Friday, August 2, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" Insight Timer LIVE - August 1, 2024 (Replay)

Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session, click here to check the schedule, pick a date, and click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on a the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on August 1, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.

A Smile From Heaven -
Alice Langholt-
Cory Lee Davis -
Deana Coble -
Femke E. Bakker, Ph.D. -
John Steen -
Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" - Insight Timer LIVE - 7/13/24 (Replay)

Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session,  click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on July 13, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.
Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Friday, June 21, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" - Insight Timer LIVE - 6/20/24 (Replay)

This was this first LIVE in our new "ASK YOUR GUIDES" sessions on Insight Timer.  Bear with me, the recording wasn't the best, but they'll be getting better as I learn!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on June 20, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.

Violet (host) -
Melanie (host) -
Julie -
Peter -
Greg -
Blossom -


Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Friday, June 14, 2024

Insight Timer Playlists

I love this new feature on Insight Timer:

I created a playlist for 30 days of journaling because, 
as most people know, I LOVE journaling: 

And a playlist for anyone who has lost a pet. 💜 
These talks and meditations helped me so much. 🙏🏼

Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group: 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!  I hope if you celebrate, in any way, that it was a great day for you!  My kids live in PA and we met halfway for lunch on Saturday.  Spending time with them and the grandbaby always makes my day!  

I do acknowledge that for some it can be a challenging day though.  Not everyone gets along with their Mom or has one that's still around to celebrate with.  

For me, the day is quiet, because I chose to stay home and relax with the hubby and the puppy.  My mom is still alive, but she's a challenge, so I'll leave it at that.  I do my best to take care of her, but for my own sanity, I've had to do that from a distance for a while.  We had a conversation today that left me a bit agitated and at the same time made me grateful for the relationship I have with my sons!

Working from home in my peaceful woods, I feel like I live a relatively stress free life.  I have a job that I love with people who treat me well.  So I guess if the only stress I tend to have comes from my mother, I'm doing OK! 😁

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Manifesting Magic! Reaching 1000 Followers & Angel Number 888 on Insight Timer!

I'm filled with SO much gratitude and so humbled by the amazing feedback I get from everyone in the Insight Timer community!

On May 17th, it'll be a year since I did my first LIVE there.  I had wanted to join the teaching community on Insight Timer for a while but I kept talking myself out of it.

Did I have enough to offer? Weren't the other teachers more qualified?  Would anyone attend my LIVE session? Would they think I was an imposter? (YES, that imposter syndrome is always lurking!)

But that little voice finally YELLED at me, 'JUST GO FOR IT!' I'm the one who always says, 'Feel the fear and do it anyway!' That quote has served me well on so many occasions.  

Most of what I've accomplished has come from pushing those fears aside, taking a chance, and it has all been worth it!

So, May 28th is my birthday (and my rescue puppy is turning 1 on my birthday too!), and I've decided to reach 1,000 followers by then!

It might be an audacious goal, but last year one of my 'audacious' goals was to be a teacher, and it happened! So I'm going for it! 19 days to go! We can do this!

In the meantime, I'm SO grateful to have reached this beautiful Angel number! 888!

Thursday, February 22, 2024


THIS!  I believe in the power of our words, especially our written words!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Too beautiful not to share...

 I saw this posted on line and it was love at first read, so I had to share... 💜

"Today I found my sadness sitting all alone,
I reached down and scooped her up.

I held her gently as she wept.

I felt an etching of tenderness in a deeper place.

Sadness looked in my eyes and whispered,
''thank you for listening"~

She then gracefully danced away."

Healing Visions...

Becoming a "teacher" on Insight Timer was a dream for me because I'm not one to ever volunteer to speak publicly about anything.  But somehow this platform called to me and as someone who has been trying to step out of her comfort zone, I decided to go for it!

I use the term "teacher" lightly because certainly there are so many people out there who really "teach" meditation.  I like to consider myself more of a "facilitator".  

I love connecting with like minded people and I love collaborating.  I also love crystals, oracle cards, journaling and so many of the mindful tools that I've learned thanks to Insight Timer.

I became a plus member in 2018 and in 2023 decided to see if they would accept me as a "teacher".  Much to my delight, they did!  I go "LIVE" once a month, just for the sheer joy of hanging out with people, like myself, who love the comfort of this spiritual community.

When Jude Gorini, a teacher that I admire greatly, asked me to collaborate with him, I was beside myself!  I had no idea what we would do together but I knew this too was a dream come true for me!

We decided to collaborate on Healing Vision Boards.  I love vision boards.  And Jude is an amazing Transformational Healing Coach, so it was meant to be!

Here's the link to the recording from our first joint LIVE session.  We had a few kinks to work out but this was an amazing session for me and I know they will only get better!

Friday, February 9, 2024

The tears, the questions...


I'm sure anyone who has had to make the difficult decision to help a pet cross over that rainbow bridge has struggled with knowing when the time is right.

I know I'm not alone in the sorrow I'm feeling since saying goodbye to my sweet Simon on Tuesday. I went through the same thing 8 months ago when we said goodbye to his brother Barney.  

Barney was hard to say goodbye to, he was always by my side or at my feet. But the cancer was wearing him down and he'd started having seizures and I wasn't going to let him suffer.

Simon was different, he had dementia and extreme anxiety.  I was finding him in my closet staring at a wall, trying to escape, to find peace, shaking like a leaf.  It broke my heart.  I tried meds, CBD oil, the thunder shirt, you name it.  But he seemed inconsolable.

He'd always been an anxious pup, but this was different. The day I called the vet, he'd been acting terrified for a couple of days and was following me so closely that I could barely walk or get anything done.

I wanted it over and now I live with that guilt of wondering if I could have done more, did I give up too easily?  My heart knows I did it for him.  I loved him, he was suffering, I didn't know what else to do. 😞 But my head is haunted by guilt.

That afternoon before the Vet came, I had him sit on my lap, it wasn't easy, he was still so confused and anxious, but he came to me and let me pet him and finally settled down.  She was late, and I sat with him for over an over.  That was probably the longest I'd been able to get him to relax in a while, he was still shaking a bit, but at least he wasn't pacing anymore.

When she got there, he jumped up in his usual excitement, barking, being his old self.  She started asking if he was still eating and drinking and I answered all her questions and couldn't help but wonder if she was thinking we shouldn't do this.

THAT has left me questioning myself.  It hurts like hell to have those doubts.

I held him on my lap and petted him and fed him treats.  Sweet old pup was happy for a change, and my heart was breaking.  When she gave him the sedative, he completely relaxed and I thought if only he could have been like this all along, it could have been different?  As I sat there waiting for the next step, I heard the GPS tag on the collar that I put on the table beep and started to wonder if it had been doing this all along.  He had become so sensitive to sounds, maybe the GPS on his color was why his anxiety was so high lately?

SO many thoughts raced through my mind.  But I never felt that I should stop what was happening.  I was so sure that he needed peace.  And he had it... he slipped away peacefully on my lap.

I've cried my heart out for that sweet pup.  The last connection I had to his brother Barney.  They had both been in this house since just after we moved in.  I was so excited to finally have a house again and to be able to adopt a dog.  And the fact that we found TWO rescues that needed a home just made it even better.

They were here as we turned the house into a home.

We adopted them almost without even thinking.  I hadn't had a dog in over 30 years and I didn't know anything about breeds or temperaments, but these two ended up being the best pets I could have gotten with my limited experience.

They were 2 sweet old men, almost 5, relatively calm, quiet and low maintenance.  What a gift. It was meant to be.

I learned so much from them.  Loving them was a gift. Losing them has left a hole in my heart.  I feel like a part of the house is gone.

I have the puppy that I adopted in June and I adore him, but no one will ever replace the 2 sweet souls that filled my heart for almost ten years. They were my constant companions, my reason for being so happy to work alone from home, my purpose for everything I did during the day.

I know they are together again.  The little statues on my deck that suddenly lit up again that night told me they were together and everything was ok, but my heart still hurts.  I know it will take time.

AND I know that Simon knows how much I loved him.  I know that he forgives me for the times I was inpatient, or didn't understand how to help his anxiety or for the times that he had to wait while I took care of Barney when he needed insulin or meds for his cancer, or when I had to take care of the puppy.

I hope he never felt like he was forgotten.  I hope the guilt I feel will subside and be replaced by the love I feel for him and his brother.  Even on the other side, I know they are always with me and that love will always be in my heart. I know that the peace I need will come... just like the peace he needed. 🙏

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

That familiar pain again...

Hard to believe that 8 months ago we lost our pup, Barney and today his brother Simon joined him.  I didn't think it could hurt this much.  Losing Barney was hard, he was always at my side.  I felt his loss so deeply.  I was grateful to still have Simon but he was different, sometimes a bit distant, mostly kept to himself, and I guess I thought that would lessen the loss, but I was wrong.

He was 14 and I know he had a good life, but I still questioned myself.  Did I do enough?  Was it too soon?  Was he really ready?  Those questions torment me again.  His dementia was stealing his life and his anxiety was so bad I could hear him shaking all the time.  It broke my heart.

I always promised myself that when the time came, I would do what was best for them, and not be selfish.  I didn't want them to suffer.  But there's that little voice that wonders if I was making their life better or mine?  I know that's a harsh question.  I devoted so much time and love to them and it was worth every second and every tear that rolls off my face now.

Tonight after Simon crossed over, the two statues that I bought 8 months ago lit up for the first time in a while.  Last night only one lit up.  I felt it was Barney letting me know he was waiting for Simon.  Tonight I felt they were letting me know there were together.

Know you were loved, sweet boys, rest in peace.  I am forever grateful. 🙏 Thank you for coming into my life, for rescuing me, and for awakening a part of my soul that I didn't even know existed. 💜

Friday, January 19, 2024

Finding My Voice Again

(This is something I was suddenly inspired to write, late at night, after feeling blocked for so long! So healing!)

"Be quiet," they said, "you talk too much."
So, I stopped sharing and swallowed it down,
Like the food that kept me company.

"Lose weight," they said, "you're too big,
No one will want you; no one will marry you."
So, I assumed I'd be alone, but I'd be okay.

"Don't be silly," they said,
"You're just a baby,
Your opinion doesn't count."

So, I no longer had one.
But I had plans, and I had dreams,
And I pursued them... quietly.

"Where are you going?" they said,
"You can't leave here; you can't make it alone!"
But I did and I survived, and I thrived.

"We knew it couldn't last," they said,
"You didn't know what you were doing,
You should never have left us."

But I left, and I made mistakes,
and they were mine, and I learned,
and I kept going, and I made a new life.

"Come back," they said, "come visit, let's be together."
But I had clarity, and I was free, and I was happy.
And I never went back, never even considered it.

And as they faded, whispers in the dust,
I knew I'd never return, never regret the flight.
In the silence I found my voice, in darkness, light. 

I was encouraged by some sweet teachers on Insight Timer to turn this into a track.  You can click here to listen: