Sunday, August 11, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" Insight Timer LIVE - 8/11/24 (Replay)

Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session,  click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on August 11, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.
Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Friday, August 9, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" Insight Timer LIVE - 8/9/24 - OG Edition! (Replay)

Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session,  click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on August 9, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.

Barbara Faison -
Dakota Earth Cloud Walker -
James Anthony Walker -
Josephine Sorciere -
Judy Unger -
Tom Evans -
Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Thursday, August 1, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" Insight Timer LIVE - 8/1/24 (Replay)

Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session, click here to check the schedule, pick a date, and click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on a the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on August 1, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.

A Smile From Heaven -
Alice Langholt-
Cory Lee Davis -
Deana Coble -
Femke E. Bakker, Ph.D. -
John Steen -
Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Saturday, July 13, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" - Insight Timer LIVE - 7/13/24 (Replay)

Teachers, if you would like to join us in the next "ASK YOUR GUIDES" LIVE session,  click here to fill out this short registration form so we can send you an invitation! It's easy to join, you click on the link on the day of the event and we handle the rest!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on July 13, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.
Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Thursday, June 20, 2024

"Ask Your Guides" - Insight Timer LIVE - 6/20/24 (Replay)

This was this first LIVE in our new "ASK YOUR GUIDES" sessions on Insight Timer.  Bear with me, the recording wasn't the best, but they'll be getting better as I learn!

Please click on the links below to follow the teachers on Insight Timer who participated in the LIVE session on June 20, 2024 and join our "Ask Your Guides" group on Insight Timer to interact with this amazing community.

Violet (host) -
Melanie (host) -
Julie -
Peter -
Greg -
Blossom -


Join the Insight Timer Facebook Group (for teachers or anyone interested!):  

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!  I hope if you celebrate, in any way, that it was a great day for you!  My kids live in PA and we met halfway for lunch on Saturday.  Spending time with them and the grandbaby always makes my day!  

I do acknowledge that for some it can be a challenging day though.  Not everyone gets along with their Mom or has one that's still around to celebrate with.  

For me, the day is quiet, because I chose to stay home and relax with the hubby and the puppy.  My mom is still alive, but she's a challenge, so I'll leave it at that.  I do my best to take care of her, but for my own sanity, I've had to do that from a distance for a while.  We had a conversation today that left me a bit agitated and at the same time made me grateful for the relationship I have with my sons!

Working from home in my peaceful woods, I feel like I live a relatively stress free life.  I have a job that I love with people who treat me well.  So I guess if the only stress I tend to have comes from my mother, I'm doing OK! 😁

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Manifesting Magic! Reaching 1000 Followers & Angel Number 888 on Insight Timer!

I'm filled with SO much gratitude and so humbled by the amazing feedback I get from everyone in the Insight Timer community!

On May 17th, it'll be a year since I did my first LIVE there.  I had wanted to join the teaching community on Insight Timer for a while but I kept talking myself out of it.

Did I have enough to offer? Weren't the other teachers more qualified?  Would anyone attend my LIVE session? Would they think I was an imposter? (YES, that imposter syndrome is always lurking!)

But that little voice finally YELLED at me, 'JUST GO FOR IT!' I'm the one who always says, 'Feel the fear and do it anyway!' That quote has served me well on so many occasions.  

Most of what I've accomplished has come from pushing those fears aside, taking a chance, and it has all been worth it!

So, May 28th is my birthday (and my rescue puppy is turning 1 on my birthday too!), and I've decided to reach 1,000 followers by then!

It might be an audacious goal, but last year one of my 'audacious' goals was to be a teacher, and it happened! So I'm going for it! 19 days to go! We can do this!

In the meantime, I'm SO grateful to have reached this beautiful Angel number! 888!