Monday, August 3, 2020

I've learned

I've learned that your soul mate doesn't need to be someone who acts and thinks like you do.  Spent a lot of time needlessly suffering thinking that we weren't a match?!  We have different values, different thoughts, and unique needs!  WHO was my soul mate? DID I even have a soul mate?  WOULD I ever?

Suddenly it hit me... we have many soul mates, friends, family members, and people who cross our paths.  They can be our soul mates for several reasons.  They all have something to teach us.  They all touch us in separate ways.

Is he my soul mate?  He's the mate my soul needs... That's why he's here, that's why we clicked.  He doesn't have to think like I do or agree with everything I want.  But he's on this path with me and he's a reflection of many things. Some good, some bad, but all serve a purpose.  I'm good with that.

Nine Lessons I've Learned From Interviewing Young Entrepreneurs ...

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