Thursday, August 13, 2020


 I went to get a manicure and a pedicure after work today.  I know people say that's supposed to be relaxing, but I never felt that way?  Am I the only one?  

I've tried so many different methods/places and it's always the same.  They get a little too close to the cuticles, they cut you, you bleed a little.  What part of that is fun?

Don't get me started on the pedicures.  That's pure torture and I avoid it as much as possible until those toes get so ugly you either must hide them or suffer through the process (usually in summer). 

I'm not a fan of having my feet touched and not a fan of having them poked and prodded!  I wish I could find someone who makes it a relaxing experience, but I don't think it exists.

Sitting on the beach, drinking margaritas, watching the sunset... THAT is relaxing!

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