Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Friday, October 6, 2023

Insight Timer LIVE: Surrendering to Life's Calling with Dayana and Don

 Dayana Pereira and Don McAvinchey came together LIVE for a second time on Insight Timer (10/5/23) to have another conversation.  This time the topic was about "The Surrender Experiment", where Michael Singer says we can gradually give over our lives to what Spirit is calling us to do. It takes practice, and a commitment to see the difficult events in our lives as opportunities for letting go...

Click below to follow them on Insight Timer:

Dayana Pereira - https://insighttimer.com/dayana

Don McAvinchey - https://insighttimer.com/donmcavinchey 

And while you're there, please follow me as well!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Insight Timer LIVE: Going With the Spirit - A Flowing Conversation with Dayana and Don

Dayana Pereira and Don McAvinchey came together LIVE on Insight Timer (9/23/23) to have a conversation on what it's like to flow with their sense of Spirit. These two dynamic teachers shared their inspiration and hearts around their experience and called on the Insight Timer community to share as well.

Click here to watch the replay


As everyone knows by now, I'm a HUGE fan of Insight Timer because of amazing teachers like these two!

Click below to follow them on Insight Timer:

Dayana Pereira - https://insighttimer.com/dayana

Don McAvinchey - https://insighttimer.com/donmcavinchey 

And while you're there, please follow me as well!

Thursday, August 10, 2023

My new rescued baby who rescued me...

When my pup, Barney, was getting ready to crossover, I was so distraught that I was sure I'd never adopt another dog.  The pain felt unbearable, and I thought WHY would anyone choose to go through all this.

Then I spoke to a friend who has had rescues for years and he told me he always looks at it this way -- if he can give another pup a chance at a good life in a loving home, it's worth it.

He's right...

So, I started looking for another pup to rescue and found this amazing rescue:

And now, 2 months after losing Barney, I have another sweet pup to love... Onyx...

He's a joy!  Sweet and so smart and I'm thrilled to have him in my life!  I still miss my Barney, but I know he sent me Onyx and that he's happy that a new pup will have the good life that he had too!

And I met an amazing woman who has been saving these beautiful babies for 13 years.  As a side note, I bought a few products from an affiliate link that donates to her cause.  My order arrived right away, and I love them!  I've been getting eaten alive by mosquitos this year and one of the things I bought is called "melagel" and has been a lifesaver in stopping the itch!  I also love that all the products are made with good ingredients.  I've been doing my best to avoid harsh chemicals and these products are just what I needed!

Because who doesn't love PUPPIES and GREAT products that support PUPPIES!  Onyx and his siblings thank you and send you many puppy kisses! 💜🥰

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Looking through some old photos and of course my Barney pops up.  

Most days I'm OK, but it hits me, when I see his pictures, how much I miss him.  Such a funny little guy.  I knew he couldn't be with me forever, but I tried not to think about it and even now I try not to think about him being gone.

I cried a lot those first couple of weeks, but I feel him with me all the time and that comforts me.  I keep asking him to send me another rescue to love and I know he will.

I got an email today that I was approved to adopt from a local shelter and we're heading there on Saturday to meet the pups.  One or two caught my eye.  I'm excited and anxious at the same time.  

Sometimes I wonder if Tim is right and we should enjoy traveling without worrying about pets, but we still have Simon, and I can't imagine my life without dogs anymore.  Funny that for over 30 years I had no pets and didn't even think about it but having had these two rescues for almost 9 years, I can't imagine life without them.

So maybe this weekend I will meet my next furry love, and if not, in time I will.  He or she is out there waiting for a good home, and I have that as well as plenty of love to give. 💜 No one will ever take the place of my sweet Barney, but thanks to him, I learned the joy of loving animals and I am forever grateful. 💜

Monday, June 19, 2023

11 Days

I can't believe it's been 11 days since I said goodbye to my sweet boy.  Some days I feel ok and then I look for my shadow and he's not here anymore, no longer at my feet while I work, under my desk, following me to the kitchen, waiting for me to share a snack. That absence has left such a hole in my heart... 💔

Sweet pup, he taught me so much in the almost 9 years that I was lucky enough to have him in my life.  I didn't even know how much I wanted a dog until I adopted him and his brother, who were almost 5 at the time.  Simon is OK, sometimes he seems to be looking for Barney, but it's hard to tell.

I had no idea our time together would be so short, but it was worth every second, even during the last few months of giving him pills and running to the Vet and trying to get him better.  I would do it all again in a second and someday I will adopt another sweet puppy, once this ache has healed.  Maybe in the Fall. I know there are other babies out there waiting for a loving home and I know that Barney would be happy to have me share the love I gave to him with someone else who needs it the way he did 9 years ago.

The Vet dropped off his ashes on Thursday. I had gone an entire day without crying and the site of his little box filled with his ashes, his little nose print and paw print and the little bottle with his hair had me crying all over again.

I know it will take time for that emptiness to go away. There will never be another one like you, my sweet boy, but there will be others to love too. ❤ My heart will go on. 💜😔

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Saying Goodbye...

My sweet pup, Barney, is going to cross the rainbow bridge in a couple of hours.  My heart is broken but at the same time, I'm happy he'll be free from pain.

It would have been 9 years in September that we adopted him and his brother Simon, both from the same litter, had been living in a high kill shelter and came as a "package deal".  I was happy to take them both.  They were almost 5 at the time and I hadn't had a dog in about 35 years.  Honestly didn't even think much about having a dog, but my husband is such an animal lover, and I eagerly accepted these 2 pups into my life.  

Of course, the first couple of months I thought I must be crazy, they're a lot of work, but eventually they became my kids and my life, and I have loved them so much.

Barney was diagnosed with diabetes almost 5 years ago and I managed to keep him going despite the naysayers who said most dogs with diabetes die within a year and go blind.  He had cataracts but he could still see me, and I had done so much research, changed is food, did everything I could to keep him healthy.

Of course, what I couldn't control was the cancer in his foot.  That was a surprise, and it quickly took a toll on him despite the many supplements, the toe amputation, the acupuncture, and everything else I tried.  It suddenly started to spread quickly, he couldn't walk on it anymore and his quality of life quickly declined.

I spent many nights begging God and the Angels to take the cancer away, but deep down I knew it was his time and I knew that I didn't want to let go, no matter when it happened.

He is my spirit animal.  We've had such an amazing connection. He follows me everywhere, sleeps under my desk while I work, sits on my feet when I'm in the bathroom, and my heart will ache with the loss of his physical presence, but I know his spiritual presence will always be with me.

I wish that could be enough... but for now, it will have to do...

Goodbye, sweet boy, run free and happy again.  I will always love you and there will never be another beautiful soul like you, though I know one day you will send me another one to love and care for on this earth. 💜