Monday, May 1, 2023

If it makes you happy...


I must confess, I'm obsessed with crystals.

It started about a year before the COVID pandemic about 4 years ago.  My husband and I attended a workshop led by an amazing woman who runs the Rose Healing center and plays a beautiful crystal harp.

During one of our meditations, she let us all hold crystals that she had placed around the room. It was love at first sight!  

I was drawn to a beautiful fuchsite heart and ended up buying it and a small amethyst tower from her.

Eventually I started attending holistic shows in the area and buying crystals that I was drawn to, mostly hearts because well, who doesn't love a pretty heart? 💜 My collection was growing slowly until COVID-19 when everything went virtual.  A friend told me about a crystal shop that was trying to survive by doing LIVE shows on Facebook and of COURSE I wanted to help, so I bought a LOT of crystals... I mean A LOT! 😁  I was thinking I might need rehab...

You'll be happy to know that I got a grip on it (somewhat) and slowed down after adorning my house with hundreds of beautiful crystals.  I have a lovely collection of Angels, hearts, spheres, towers, a few wands... you get the idea. OH and I also bought a beautiful crystal singing bowl (a gift for my husband who loves them now).  I've since added a shamanic ocean drum, Tibetan bells and a small Tibetan bowl to the collection.  I also acquired quite a few card decks, but that's another post...

Long story short, the energy in my house is amazing.  I look around and it brings me joy.  So ok, I might have spent a lot, but I supported a lot of small businesses and I have enough crystals to combat any bad energy for at least the next 50 years.  Win--WIN! 💜🙏💜 

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