Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Messages from the Universe

This morning as I was getting ready to start my day, I spotted this beauty outside my window staring right at me.  I was mesmerized!

I continued getting ready as I wondered what message this cardinal had for me.  Over the past year or so, I have forced myself to step out of my comfort zone and try new things.  In the past I would tell myself that "I could never do that" or that "other people can do it better" so why bother?

Thanks to the messages from the Universe, I've started to ignore that little voice of doubt that would have stopped me and the results have been fabulous.  I've gained more confidence and I've met some amazing people.

So I looked up the spiritual meaning of the cardinal and here's what I found:

The cardinal symbolizes friendship, love, devotion, self-confidence, assertiveness, family, home, protection, and angel messages. Thanks to its bright colors and confidence in its abilities, the cardinal represents self-confidence and inner strength, always encouraging you to assert yourself and embrace your talents.

Beautiful message!  He was telling me I have the "self-confidence and inner strength" to do these things!  

And ironically, today was my first time going "LIVE" on my favorite app (Insight Timer) doing something I would have never attempted a few years ago, AND IT WAS A GREAT EXPERIENCE!

If you see a bright red cardinal, it means that you are being blessed with good luck and fortune.

And if you love Insight Timer as much as I do, or need to find a place where you can share your insights with like-minded people, please click here and join me in the "Coffee & Crystals" group!

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